mProS Proximity Marketing

We offer the mProS turn-key solution for localized wireless or mobile distribution of advertising content associated with a particular place. Capitalizing on Bluetooth, wireless, mobile and GPS technology we provide a cutting-edge strategy for deeper engagement with your audience. Content creators, marketers or discount issuers have the opportunity to distribute and promote ads that are relevant to the venue, time, or date. With the mProS solution, now retailers and service providers can reach and engage customers at targeted locations such as hypermarkets, malls, airports, train stations, hotels, cinemas, museums etc. Using our proximity marketing service, providers have the opportunity to advertise targeted offers to nearby consumers. Ads can be either broadcasted or unique per customer, follow any push or pull model, interactive or one-way. We collaborate with our customers to design an effective proximity marketing concept, to target the suitable audience, to enhance the engagement rates and to use the appropriate communication channels and methods. 

  • They enable marketers to engage audiences at the right time and place, in the right way, and therefore improve the overall customer experience by providing relevant and targeted content, unique engagement options as well as advertising and promotions before the point of sale.
  • It allows today’s savvy and technologically-oriented consumer to engage, interact and transact how, when and where they wish to, while retailers can measure their marketing’s effectiveness with immediacy and accuracy.
  • They build loyalty and deepen the connection between consumers and brands.
  • Combining technologies such as digital signage, interactive touch screens, and mobile integration, retailers can leverage their strengths and create an even more memorable interaction, incentivize return in-store, and increase ROI.
  • Since they have the ability reach broad audiences and interact with more mobile phone users, they are a valuable source of gathering large-scale digital data and consumer behavior metrics that can be used in future campaigns.
  • Ads can be either broadcasted or personalized per customer, follow any push or pull model, interactive or one-way.
  • Bluetooth enabled technology and location-based proximity advertising is at no cost to consumers and a cost-effective solution to marketers
  • It provides marketers with immediate feedback, so as to evaluate easily metrics, redemption rates, call-to-action rates and sales conversions.
  • Penetration rates are much higher than traditional campaigns due to the relevance and convenience of the pushed content
  • They enrich the shopping experience with quick, convenient and relevant interaction. Proximity marketing solutions allow shoppers to engage, communicate and transact according to the way, the time and the place they wish
  • They enable marketers to deploy simply, fast and conveniently their geo-fencing strategy.

Key features:

  • Fast deployment of your geo-marketing strategy
  • Multiple effective radius
  • Any vendor (Windows, iOS, Android)
  • Any channel (Bluetooth, WiFi, mobile)
  • Increase Call-to-Action rate and Sales
  • Enrich shopping experience