Smart or Connected TVs have been rapidly emerging as a fast-growing alternative communication channel for retailers and brands across the whole digital omnichannel landscape. According to an Accedo forecast, a total market of around 500 million Smart TVs will occur by 2015. SmartTV features a wide range of interactive services such as rich-content platforms, Video on Demand, contextual and social TV apps, games, ads, TV-commerce apps etc. SmartTV is fast evolving into a viable online mean for more interactive applications and rich-content to become further attractive and user-engaging.
The added feature of the connected vs traditional TVs, opens up great opportunities for content providers and brands for creating advanced user experiences. More and more retailers integrate SmartTV digital channel into their digital strategy.
The marketing opportunities for content providers, promotional agencies and marketers to develop marketing push/pull models and provide rich, relevant ad content through Smart TVs are numerous:
- Apps are rich-content and video-centric, creating exciting and memorable brand experiences.
- Offers an interactive mean, enabling consumers to interact with brands, retailers, broadcasters and content providers from the comfort of their living room.
- Provides a cost-effective advertising channel. Ad targeting and relevance are key issues for driving impact to TV viewers. According to a 2013 Mindshare/Samsung study about the SmartTV ads effectiveness, a 61% of the respondents answered that they are positive towards SmartTV ads and would consider engaging.
VISIT GREECE Samsung TV app for promoting Greek tourism worldwide through Samsung SmartTV
The Mindshare/Samsung study also indicates that a 31% percentage responded that they have already been engaged in action. An impressive 48% of the surveyed target has already been involved into some kind of interaction with SmartTV ads and over 60% of the surveyed SmartTV users have intent towards a purchase. Additionally, SmartTV addresses a generally younger and higher income audience. 80% of the surveyed group is under 50 years old; an 84% is of higher income; more than 50% holds a university degree.
SmartTV is an evolving delivery channel rendering interactivity, personalization, omni-platform ubiquity. MPASS SmartTV apps design and development expertise guarantees the creation of high quality apps, providing customizable and tailored solutions. MPASS designs SmartTV concepts, not only apps, including the apps’ functionality, layout, targeting, engagement and interaction methods. We involve the appropriate modules to deliver a valuable turn-key solution plus full metrics and accurate usage stats for evaluating ROI. See the following concepts: